New Ultimate Frog Substrate - 10 qt (Lugarti) View Larger

Ultimate Frog Substrate - 10 qt (Lugarti)


Lugarti’s Ultimate Frog Substrate is a special blend of high quality Peat Moss and finely milled Sphagnum Moss. It’s the softest bedding your frogs will ever feel on their delicate skin and is completely safe and effective for all amphibians.

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Lugarti’s Ultimate Frog Substrate is a special blend of high quality Peat Moss and finely milled Sphagnum Moss. It’s the softest bedding your frogs will ever feel on their delicate skin and is completely safe and effective for all amphibians.


It holds humidity extremely well and allows very easy burrowing for species that like to submerge themselves in soil (e.g. Pacman Frogs, Pixie Frogs, Rain Frogs, etc.).


When used at a proper depth, it retains essential humidity far greater than any other substrate on the market, while allowing the surface to remain dry to the touch. This is vital for preventing any potential fungal and or bacterial infections. It also has superior odor control, live plants thrive in it, and it won’t cause impaction if accidentally ingested.


Perfect For:

  • Tree Frogs

  • Pacman Frogs

  • Pixie Frogs

  • Salamanders

  • Newts

  • Many Other Amphibians



  • 100% Natural

  • Superior Odor Control

  • Retains Humidity



Special blend of high quality Sphagnum Peat Moss and Milled Sphagnum Moss.



Fill the enclosure with an appropriate amount of substrate for the particular species you’re housing. The deeper the better, for all species. Spot clean daily and completely replace when necessary. It can last many months with a proper depth, especially with an established clean up crew (e.g. isopods, springtails, etc.).


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Ultimate Frog Substrate - 10 qt (Lugarti)

Ultimate Frog Substrate - 10 qt (Lugarti)

Lugarti’s Ultimate Frog Substrate is a special blend of high quality Peat Moss and finely milled Sphagnum Moss. It’s the softest bedding your frogs will ever feel on their delicate skin and is completely safe and effective for all amphibians.